Hector's Story of HOPE
My name is Hector Guzman. I have struggled with addiction for 19 years. Being an addict for 19 years, I lost all my possessions and my identity. Once I got sober, I started to seek my identity back by getting my birth certificate, my Social Security, and also my license to drive. So I went to the community and asked for support to help me get my life back. Here's where I found W.E.H.E.L.P., a nonprofit organization that helps individuals like me who need a hand up when life is too much to handle. I went to them with a proposal with the bills and fees of wanting to get my driver's license. I was so excited when I received the call from W.E.H.E.L.P. and got my proposal accepted. Thanks to W.E.H.E.L.P., I have my license today.
Will's Story of HOPE
My name is William Gonzalez I am 34 years old and was born in New York City and was raised in Bridgeport CT. I was lost, broken, bitter and ashamed. I lost my job and wasn’t allow to see my son due to my addiction that I was battling since I was 18 years old. Before I got help last year of June 28, 2021 when I got to a program that helped me, I told God that I was going to surrender my whole life. I wasn’t going to hold back, I was going to do it God’s way not mine and since that day I been bless I went back to school and should be graduating soon. The school is going to pay for my trade school once I get my diploma and since I been here I got to meet a good brother named John from W.E. H.E.L.P. And I have the privilege to help him get to help other people that need help getting back on their feet with money for their license, or apartment, or anything else that is holding them back. I can now help to give other people the same opportunity that was given to me and my family is being restored. I’m learning how to be a father while also working on the relationship between me and my son’s mother. I am so grateful that the mercy and grace that I have been shown and can’t wait to see what else is planned for my life.